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  • The Turkish army was almost annihilated: 25,000 men, with numerous begs and pashas, remained on the field of battle, or perished in the Dniester from the breaking of the bridge: all their cannon and standards became trophies to the victors: and the green banner of the serasker was sent to Rome by Sobieski, in the belief that it was the _Sandjak-shereef_, or sacred standard of the Prophet -- the oriflamme of the Ottoman empire.

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843 Various

  • He was forthwith joined by Stephen, waiwode of Moldavia, with great part of the Moldavian and Wallachian troops, who unexpectedly deserted the standards of the crescent; and, after several partial encounters, a general engagement took place, November 11, 1673, between the Polish army and the advanced divisions of the Ottomans under the serasker Hussein, pasha of

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843 Various

  • Haidee saw at a glance the same expression pervading the countenances of her two auditors; she exclaimed, 'When my mother recovered her senses we were before the serasker.

    The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas p��re 1836


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