
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of sheugh.


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  • Lachlan sat alone in his bothie, busily employed, in twisting his oat straw siaman, humming to himself, and listening to the sound of the torrent as it dashed over the rooks, the pattering of the heavy rain, and the sheughs of the north-west wind, moaning as it passed along, all of which only served to increase his sense of comfort as he drew his three-legged stool nearer to the bright peat fire.

    Archive 2007-12-01 2007

  • He wad gar their bluid fill the sheughs in the valleys.

    King Fareweel 1984

  • Laid oot in the heather in his tartan plaidie. shoon - shoes. grat - complained. daurnae - dare not. gar - make. sheughs - ditches.

    King Fareweel 1984

  • ` ` And a 'the bonny engines, and wheels, and the coves, and sheughs, doun at Glenwithershins yonder, what's to come o' them? '' said Edie.

    The Antiquary 1845

  • "And a 'the bonny engines, and wheels, and the coves, and sheughs, doun at Glenwithershins yonder, what's to come o' them?" said Edie.

    The Antiquary — Volume 02 Walter Scott 1801

  • "And a 'the bonny engines, and wheels, and the coves, and sheughs, doun at Glenwithershins yonder, what's to come o' them?" said Edie.

    The Antiquary — Complete Walter Scott 1801

  • “And a’ the bonny engines, and wheels, and the coves, and sheughs, doun at Glenwithershins yonder, what’s to come o’ them?” said Edie.

    The Antiquary 1584


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