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  • "This was my third or fourth day in a row being late," recalls the shiverer, Patricia Eales, a single mother from Oakville working in a downtown office.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • A gong, that is, the grandeur and catastrophe of itself, itself which could be only this single peal and the hundred veilleties of its reverberations, but which can and will be more peals, each one an awful singular, a solid shiverer.

    Good Morning Poetry lovers Lemon Hound 2008

  • A gong, that is, the grandeur and catastrophe of itself, itself which could be only this single peal and the hundred veilleties of its reverberations, but which can and will be more peals, each one an awful singular, a solid shiverer.

    Archive 2008-07-01 Lemon Hound 2008

  • When Tom had had enough, he would slip out and tie knots in Chamber's shirt, dip the knots in the water and make them hard to undo, then dress himself and sit by and laugh while the naked shiverer tugged at the stubborn knots with his teeth.

    Pudd'nhead Wilson 1955

  • Then a door was opened, and the small shiverer thrust in, not unkindly, with the words --

    The Heiress of Wyvern Court Emilie Searchfield

  • Mr. Floyd and I were walking one day where the oranges, lemons and cedrats were ripening in different degrees of maturity: they seemed to blossom and yield as freely as if in their native climates, and our favorite walk was there these chilly winter afternoons; for Mr. Floyd, always a shiverer, of late found every place except the tropical atmosphere of a greenhouse too cold for him.

    Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878 Various

  • Each miserable shiverer caught the suggestion from his neighbour, was torn for some minutes by that cruel ecstasy, and left spent and without voice or courage when it passed.

    The Ebb-Tide Lloyd Osbourne 1907

  • Each camp has a bath master who stands on a stool and sprinkles each little shiverer as he trots under.

    Dear Enemy Jean Webster 1896

  • When Tom had had enough, he would slip out and tie knots in Chamber's shirt, dip the knots in the water and make them hard to undo, then dress himself and sit by and laugh while the naked shiverer tugged at the stubborn knots with his teeth.

    The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson 1893

  • He who had loved her so long, always in fact, who was ten years younger than the other, and who certainly was no shiverer?

    The Nabob, Vol. 2 (of 2) Alphonse Daudet 1868


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