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  • The blow was a quick, short jab, and Rourke followed it with a shortarm left into the man's midsection, then a quick right crossing into the jaw.

    Total War Ahern, Jerry 1981

  • Kate done some dandy shortarm work in the clinches and hurled him off on his back like the other one; then he stands there sharpening his claws on the bark and grinning in a masterful way.

    Somewhere in Red Gap Harry Leon Wilson 1903

  • A shortarm zip to Toomer and a high jet that was thrown more to Mikell than Kevin Boss led to a quick pass to Ward that came up short.

    unknown title 2009

  • Side headlock by MVP, to the ropes, yet another shoulder block by MVP, blocked hiptoss by MVP, one by Hunter, then a shortarm clothesline to bring MVP down. 2008


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