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  • I mean it's set in a cinema, with nazis laughing at a propoganda film depicting allied soldiers being slaughtered while we laugh at the audience being slaughtered afterwards while shoshanna allows a film to sway her feelings towards a man who kills her for not acknowledging his onscreen persona, shit I could go on and on.

    Eli Roth’s Father On His Son’s Climactic Inglourious Basterds Scene | /Film 2009

  • i just watched that shoshanna johnson vid just for the heck of it. * grins*

    November 8th, 2009 2009

  • all anybody know if the rumored 're-writes' have in fact beefed up the Basterds role in this film? as Brendon said, in the draft i also read, they were nothing more than supporting characters. shoshanna is a memorable character, but so are the basterds, and i was hoping for more of them. i know the edits could alter the balance of screen-time, but if these re-writes are true, we'd get even more.

    Inglourious Basterds Movie Trailer #2 | /Film 2009


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