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  • With a webcam on my shoulderstrap and a Sprint wireless card desperately trying to pump data out of a USB port, I will be providing a real-time view of events in Des Moines, IA from the perspective of your average campaign volunteer or hopeful caucuser.

    Shelby Highsmith: Live from Iowa: But It's No Big Brother 2008

  • He hiked on along the ridge with his thumb hooked in the shoulderstrap of the rifle, his hat pushed back on his head.

    No Country For Old Men McCarthy, Cormac, 1933- 2005

  • He had a shortbarreled H&K machinepistol with a black nylon shoulderstrap lying in his lap and Moss reached and got it and stepped back.

    No Country For Old Men McCarthy, Cormac, 1933- 2005

  • Even as he was bending over Field a bullet had nipped the right shoulderstrap, and later another had torn through the crown of his campaign hat.

    A Daughter of the Sioux A Tale of the Indian frontier Charles King 1888


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