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  • It was a medium-size California ranch house, singlestoried and low-slung, with a gently sloping roof and a wide porch in front, set back from the road by a big lawn that was dotted here and there with spreading live oaks.

    Love and Death Jeff Mariotte 2004

  • It was a medium-size California ranch house, singlestoried and low-slung, with a gently sloping roof and a wide porch in front, set back from the road by a big lawn that was dotted here and there with spreading live oaks.

    Love and Death Jeff Mariotte 2004

  • It was a medium-size California ranch house, singlestoried and low-slung, with a gently sloping roof and a wide porch in front, set back from the road by a big lawn that was dotted here and there with spreading live oaks.

    Love and Death Jeff Mariotte 2004


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