
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Like a siren (mechanical or electronic device).
  • adjective Like a siren (mythical water maiden).


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From siren +‎ -like.


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  • She squinched up her eyes and nose into a little old man face and began emitting a sirenlike wail, the noise cut short every few seconds as she drew in a loud, gasping breath, just enough air for another round.

    Crashed ROBIN WASSERMAN 2009

  • They communicated with one another by means of sirenlike howls, running up and down the scale from one note to another.

    The War of The Worlds H. G. Wells 2009

  • She squinched up her eyes and nose into a little old man face and began emitting a sirenlike wail, the noise cut short every few seconds as she drew in a loud, gasping breath, just enough air for another round.

    Crashed ROBIN WASSERMAN 2009

  • We've all been there: the first tee, the dimpled white orb sitting serenely on its throne, the shimmering green fairway, sirenlike in the distance.

    The Ryder Cup tees off 2008

  • The drones, when they notice a human in their midst, alert the others by unleashing a sirenlike banshee wail.

    Archive 2007-08-01 Ed Gorman 2007

  • The drones, when they notice a human in their midst, alert the others by unleashing a sirenlike banshee wail.

    Here They come again Ed Gorman 2007

  • They communicated with one another by means of sirenlike howls, running up and down the scale from one note to another.

    The War of the Worlds Herbert George 2006

  • More later, now day of busy calls to me with its decidedly un-sirenlike song.

    if you can call this excitement Gwenda 2004

  • But she could hear the sirenlike howl, hear the footsteps of the possessed teens nearing the edge of the woods.

    The New Evil R.L. STINE 2003

  • But she could hear the sirenlike howl, hear the footsteps of the possessed teens nearing the edge of the woods.

    The New Evil R.L. STINE 2003


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