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  • Scrabbling happily among the throng, the mayor found some pointy animal teeth, sixsided, wooden gaming dice that looked just like a set he'd been missing, and some tasty-looking sweets.

    Stalling 2010

  • Scrabbling happily among the throng, the mayor found some pointy animal teeth, sixsided, wooden gaming dice that looked just like a set he'd been missing, and some tasty-looking sweets.

    Kendermore Kirchoff, Mary 1989

  • -- The ruins of Nineveh have furnished a vast collection of inscriptions partly carved on marble or stone slabs and partly impressed upon bricks anti upon clay cylinders, or sixsided and eight-sided prisms, barrels and tablets, which, used for the purpose when still moist, were afterward baked in a furnace or kilo.

    Smith's Bible Dictionary 1884


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