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  • verb Present participle of skirr.


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  • She frowned, cocking her head to one side to listen, and realized that it must be Diaadul's veil, the glossy folds of fabric skirring against each other.

    Proud Helios Melissa Scott 2000

  • But then came another clear stretch and he spun along, his skates skirring merrily at every sturdy stroke.

    Guns and Snowshoes Or, the Winter Outing of the Young Hunters Ralph Bonehill

  • Evidently they, too, had been so much surprised by the unprecedented action of the stranger that they had not even challenged; but that they had no thought to let the thing go unnoticed was quickly evidenced by the skirring of motors upon the landing-stage and the quick shooting airward of a long-lined patrol boat.

    Thuvia, Maid of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 1912

  • The smaller snake was up in arms, skirring his rattle violently, while the larger one was twisting uneasily about, but not showing fight.

    The Junior Classics — Volume 8 Animal and Nature Stories William Patten 1902

  • The wide eye noted everything, and considered it, -- even to the hairy red fly alit on the fern frond, or the skirring progress of the black water-beetle across the pale surface of the Perdu.

    Earth's Enigmas A Volume of Stories Charles George Douglas Roberts 1901

  • Into this peaceful town the adventurers came one bleak autumn day, when the leaves were skirring about the narrow and tortuous streets and the nuts were rattling to the ground.

    After the Storm: A Story of the Prairie 1897

  • Listening intently, I heard the sound of skirring steps on the other side of and some way down the river; and the peculiar tread, even thus far off, was plainly Suan Isco's.

    Erema — My Father's Sin 1862

  • He also said he'd recently seen 100,00 birds flying over a famous birding spot called The Wash in Norfolk and the only word he thought appropriate to describe the noise was skirring. - 2008

  • The report sounded dull and dead, while as the smoke rose the undulating line of sand became a writhing tangle of something tying itself up into knots, untying itself, lashing the sand and dust up into a little cloud, and then as the dust rose the loathsome-looking length of a big snake became gradually clear to see, with the tail in the air announcing its owner's nature by keeping up a peculiar skirring sound something like the running down of a distant piece of clockwork.

    The Peril Finders George Manville Fenn 1870

  • Listening intently, I heard the sound of skirring steps on the other side of and some way down the river; and the peculiar tread, even thus far off, was plainly Suan Isco’s.

    Erema Richard Doddridge 2004


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