
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Without sky; cloudy; dark; thick.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Without a sky.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

sky +‎ -less


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  • Such misplaced faith might wither some if they knew how afraid I am of small, skyless places.

    Veracity LAURA BYNUM 2010

  • It was a skyless world, in which his eye; through dim gulfs of shadowy air, saw only ever-mounting slopes, great walls of stone behind great walls, and frowning precipices wreathed with mist.

    The Lord of the Rings Tolkien, J. R. R. 1954

  • Black, wet gusts dragged now and then through the skyless fog, striking her face with

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862 Various

  • Space, illimitable space, surrounded me -- skyless, starless space.

    The Maids of Paradise 1899

  • There needed courage -- yes, there needed courage -- on a morning such as this, when the skyless atmosphere weighed drearily on heart and mind, when hope had become a far-off thing, banished for long months from a grey, cold world, to go through with the task which Irene had set herself.

    The Crown of Life George Gissing 1880

  • In what black, skyless, leafless town was she pursuing her lonely life?

    A Life's Morning George Gissing 1880

  • Black, wet gusts dragged now and then through the skyless fog, striking her face with a chill.

    Margret Howth, a Story of To-day Rebecca Harding Davis 1870

  • It was, -- a breathless quiet; the great streets of the town behind them were shrouded in snow; the hills, the moors, the prairie swept off into the skyless dark, a gray and motionless sea lit by a low watery moon.

    Margret Howth, a Story of To-day Rebecca Harding Davis 1870

  • A perpetual escape out of the smoky, grimy city mazes was trumpeted to her in the winds up there: a recollected contrast lightened the skyless broad spaces overhead almost to sunniness.

    The Amazing Marriage — Volume 4 George Meredith 1868

  • A perpetual escape out of the smoky, grimy city mazes was trumpeted to her in the winds up there: a recollected contrast lightened the skyless broad spaces overhead almost to sunniness.

    The Amazing Marriage — Complete George Meredith 1868


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