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  • Some slaveowning Christians, because they believed in the same Big Sky Daddy, bought the story and gave it up.

    Contentment 2009

  • Sheesh the next time I hear someone calling for civil war or secession, someone else should respond back to them by saying that rednecks have already tried both those options about 150-something years ago, and us “liberals” beat their puny little slaveowning butts.

    Think Progress » Brown victory party featured flag calling for a ‘second’ revolution, tea party-inspired civil war. 2010

  • I recently read HIS EXCELLENCY by Joseph Ellis, and everything you might expect from the new breed of historian seeking the warts and all approachwas there: political and family patronage in the young Virginia colony, political maneuvering, self-promotion, slaveowning, marrying for profit, and other things.

    Your History Moment: Father of His Country « Third Point of Singularity 2010

  • From slaveowning stock, big Tobacco Gore turns into big Carbon Trading Warmocrat.

    Framing Al Gore EliRabett 2010

  • It is true that white slaveowning southerners had a theory, but they had theories on nearly everything, mostly wrong.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It is true that white slaveowning southerners had a theory, but they had theories on nearly everything, mostly wrong.

    Balkinization 2007

  • Also perhaps in the inherent brutality of the slaveowning society, and then the Segregation Society and Jim Crowlaws.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment 2009

  • It is true that white slaveowning southerners had a theory, but they had theories on nearly everything, mostly wrong.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It is true that white slaveowning southerners had a theory, but they had theories on nearly everything, mostly wrong.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It is true that white slaveowning southerners had a theory, but they had theories on nearly everything, mostly wrong.

    Balkinization 2007


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