
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In a slippery manner.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adverb In a slippery manner.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a slippery manner.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

slippery +‎ -ly


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  • The hollow grooves were full of mud and water, and one struggled slipperily from rock to rock, or along narrow grass-ledges.

    The Lost Girl 1907

  • When Arthur Hope dashed back from the party on the prow of the wrecked tartane in search of little Ulysse, he succeeded in grasping the child, but at the same moment a huge breaker washed him off the slipperily-sloping deck, and after a scarce conscious struggle he found himself, still retaining his clutch of the boy, in the trough between it and another.

    A Modern Telemachus Charlotte Mary Yonge 1862

  • In their main roles as Amy and Tom, Alison O'Donnell is pungently sardonic and Iain Robertson a bouncing ball of vitality, glistening with a slipperily virile intent.

    Evening Standard - Home 2010

  • With evil (damnable, depraved, wicked) eyes (globes of fire) they snuck up (stole up, sneaked up) stealthily (slyly, slipperily) on me and caused me great dismay. (anguish, sadness, consternation, distress)

    j-gan Diary Entry j-gan 2006

  • a little more easily and slipperily, 'sang together in chorus: --

    A Prisoner in Fairyland Algernon Blackwood 1910


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