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  • Justified FX -- There was huge fun to be had watching Timothy Olyphant's smartalecky Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens go toe to toe with Margo Martindale's unforgettable pot-farming mountain woman Mags Bennett.

    Ed Martin: Downton Abbey, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who and More: The Twelve Best Series of 2011 Ed Martin 2012

  • Justified FX -- There was huge fun to be had watching Timothy Olyphant's smartalecky Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens go toe to toe with Margo Martindale's unforgettable pot-farming mountain woman Mags Bennett.

    Ed Martin: Downton Abbey, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who and More: The Twelve Best Series of 2011 Ed Martin 2012

  • And what do you think the odds are that within a week some smartalecky web guy/gal with a digital editing suite will stay up for 48 hours, getting stoked on coffee and muffins while he/she splices together the extended DVD release and the Tales of the Black Freighter to produce…TA DAAA!

    Watchmen Movie Review « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS 2009

  • Every so often, some smartalecky journalist will write a gratuitously insulting article about the alleged idiocy of devoting time to your lawn, This infuriates people, says Beverly Roberts of The Lawn Institute of Pleasant Hill, Tenn.

    The Joys Of Mowing 2008

  • Here's what people are saying in print, on air and online: Bell Jarred Football fans don't 'want a smartalecky PhD in the booth, quoting Sylivia Plath as if he were hosting a Mensa potluck party.'

    Periscope 2008

  • The robot wouldn't be as smartalecky as the TV Jetsons' Rosie, but it would be able to talk back.

    03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 2004

  • The robot wouldn't be as smartalecky as the TV Jetsons' Rosie, but it would be able to talk back.

    Archive 2004-03-01 2004

  • The robot wouldn't be as smartalecky as the TV Jetsons' Rosie, but it would be able to talk back.

    Robots and the elderly #2 2004

  • Earlier generations might have taken snippy to mean “brassy, cheeky, saucy”; now the wide-ranging senses are expressed as “touchy, flip, smartalecky, disrespectful, on your high horse, having an attitude.”

    The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time William Safire 2004

  • Earlier generations might have taken snippy to mean “brassy, cheeky, saucy”; now the wide-ranging senses are expressed as “touchy, flip, smartalecky, disrespectful, on your high horse, having an attitude.”

    The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time William Safire 2004


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