
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to sociometry.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

socio- +‎ metric


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  • Sociometric Solutions calls the "sociometric badge," has a built-in microphone that can gauge how much you talk versus how much you listen; an accelerometer that can tell how much you sit versus how much you move around; and an infrared sensor that can tell when you're facing other people wearing the badges. Top Stories 2011

  • And while Dragon NaturallySpeaking couldn't get "sociometric" on the first try, it had no problem with "innovativeness".

    September 10th, 2003 2003

  • Each child who was unpopular based on sociometric scores and on reports of teachers and the children themselves was teamed with two well-accepted children from the classroom.

    Red Flags or Red Herrings? Susan Engel 2011

  • If he had been in a classroom where a psychologist had been collecting sociometric data, he surely would have come up as a neglected child—not the kid other children seriously disliked and not the one they loved or admired, just not someone other kids sought out.

    Red Flags or Red Herrings? Susan Engel 2011

  • If he had been in a classroom where a psychologist had been collecting sociometric data, he surely would have come up as a neglected child—not the kid other children seriously disliked and not the one they loved or admired, just not someone other kids sought out.

    Red Flags or Red Herrings? Susan Engel 2011

  • These children get higher ratings on sociometric measures after the training and might well find themselves more accepted.

    Red Flags or Red Herrings? Susan Engel 2011

  • These children get higher ratings on sociometric measures after the training and might well find themselves more accepted.

    Red Flags or Red Herrings? Susan Engel 2011

  • Each child who was unpopular based on sociometric scores and on reports of teachers and the children themselves was teamed with two well-accepted children from the classroom.

    Red Flags or Red Herrings? Susan Engel 2011

  • "The sociometric stuff told us what the facts really are, independent of the sociology and cultural clutter," says Pentland.

    Mining Human Behavior At MIT 2010

  • "The sociometric stuff told us what the facts really are, independent of the sociology and cultural clutter," says Pentland.

    Mining Human Behavior At MIT 2010


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