
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Alternative form of soft-handed.


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  • No wonder that young men, as the parsons complain so loudly, will not listen to the Gospel, while it is preached to them by men on whom they cannot but look down; a set of softhanded fellows who cannot dig, and are ashamed to beg; and, as my brother has it, must needs be parsons before they are men.

    Westward Ho! 2007

  • Jack Pinspittle had sailed the drowned streets of New York from the days when you could still imagine what had been at the bottoms of the deep canyons, the nancy-dancy world of promenading poodles and softhanded business that occupied men before the waters.

    Archive 2006-04-02 Miss Snark 2006

  • No wonder that young men, as the parsons complain so loudly, will not listen to the Gospel, while it is preached to them by men on whom they cannot but look down; a set of softhanded fellows who cannot dig, and are ashamed to beg; and, as my brother has it, must needs be parsons before they are men.

    Westward Ho!, or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth Charles Kingsley 1847

  • If this is not further evidence we need more men in our schools (and not the Birkenstock wearing, ponytailed, softhanded, bike riding kind either), then what is?

    Media Matters for America - Limbaugh Wire 2008


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