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  • Two other divisions, involved in grounds maintenance and health and safety compliance, continue to trade solvently.

    Connaught administrators say they need goodwill of councils 2010

  • We could use it well, we could use it to advantage, and I think I am within the judgment of every gentleman here when I say that the money that is necessary to enable a province to carry on progressively -- not only solvently, but progressively -- its local affairs, is money well spent by Canada.

    The Island Province—Its Present and Future 1913

  • Really there is no objective except to marry the heroine, settle down, live solvently and be kind.

    Collected Essays 1900

  • It was their responsibility to monitor the accounts of banks, and when they signed off a bank's results, they were stating their confidence in the bank's ability to trade solvently.

    The Guardian World News Patrick Kingsley 2011

  • If it is solvently structured, it could have a very positive impact…And to get people to buy long-term insurance is really helpful. News Avik Roy 2011

  • JM is trying to mix up immigration control with border control and the solvently of the US. 2010

  • Our security and solvently trumps any immigration control issue. 2010

  • And the reason is, they don't have any mechanism within which community rating can be practically made to work in a state where you have a lot of different insurance companies and the insurance companies simply cannot solvently -- can't stay solvent and do that unless people are insured in very large pools where insurance companies can make money the way grocery stores do -- a little bit of money on a lot of people.

    Remarks By Satellite To Ca Medical Association ITY National Archives 1994


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