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  • Also ditto then statement of Ulysses that there is more to worry about adulterated food with so much publicity on formalin in Fishes, Water mixed in Cow Milk and Ghee/butter oil and even the daily cooking soyabean, the poor condition of keeping the broiler chickens in the kitchen market and ofcoure the open sale of beef and mutton in local kitcken markets with flies finding it a heavenly place to rest.

    Global Voices in English » South Asia: Celebrating Eid-Ul-Fitr 2009

  • It retorted that New Delhi, too, had imposed protectionist measures like hiking duties on items like soyabean oil, iron and steel within days of the November G-20 meeting, where member countries had agreed not to raise new trade barriers.

    India News Digest: Lahore Attack, Polls Upset IPL Schedule 2009

  • Meera, so glad to read this,being a SK i alws thought i knew all dishes : soyabean ambat at Ram N's. is totally new to me!

    Soybean Ambat Meera 2008

  • I have never heard abt soyabean ambat in SK cusine.

    Soybean Ambat Meera 2008

  • Meera...lovely and unique..pohe with fresh soyabean!

    Green Soybean Pohe Meera 2008

  • Vitamin K – The main sources of Vitamin K are wheat bran, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, soyabean oil, vegetable oils, and livers of animals.

    Sources of Vitamins and Minerals 2008

  • In particular, biofuels will become more important as a source of energy, although given the pressure on food production, it is likely there will be pressure on farmers to limit the conversion of their fields for growing biofuel-friendly food crops such as corn or soyabean.

    Archive 2008-01-01 Dylan Jones-Evans 2008

  • The world palm oil price had risen by 50 percent and that of soyabean and sunflower oil prices by 35 percent in the past four months.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2007

  • Developing countries are already launching biofuel programs based on agricultural feedstock – sugar and grains for ethanol and rapeseed and soyabean for biodiesel.

    Speech: Biofuels, Energy and Agriculture: Powering towards world food security 2007

  • Developing countries are already launching biofuel programs based on agricultural feedstock - sugar and grains for ethanol and rapeseed and soyabean for biodiesel.

    Biofuels, Energy and Agriculture 2007


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