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  • It is of the essence of spaciality that the parts of the object shall be thought of as existing side by side, outside one another.

    Philosophy and Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge Hastings Rashdall

  • If spaciality were a quality of the thing in itself, it would exist no matter what became of other things.

    Philosophy and Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge Hastings Rashdall

  • And spaciality cannot be analysed away into mere feelings of ours.

    Philosophy and Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge Hastings Rashdall

  • [Claustro Phobia] was a song without much breadth or spaciality, but with the re-arrangement, the songs atmosphere and the nuance of the lyrics have pleasantly changed ", which ended up in a drastically reworked version.

    ~ listen the world ~ 2008

  • [Claustro Phobia] was a song without much breadth or spaciality, but with the re-arrangement, the songs atmosphere and the nuance of the lyrics have pleasantly changed ", which ended up in a drastically reworked version.

    ~ listen the world ~ 2008

  • [Claustro Phobia] was a song without much breadth or spaciality, but with the re-arrangement, the songs atmosphere and the nuance of the lyrics have pleasantly changed ", which ended up in a drastically reworked version.

    ~ listen the world ~ 2008


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