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  • Adding or releasing air pressure can adjust the circumference of the tires and put them in spec.

    Top 10 Tire Tips! Cassandra 2009

  • Mr. Eszterhas liked to approach the studios with an original, already finished screenplay, called a spec.

    The Hollywood Beast Roars 2004

  • As a result, the engine produces 198 hp and 184 pound-feet of torque at 4,250 rpm in Korean spec.

    Autoblog Green Sam Abuelsamid 2010

  • As a result, the engine produces 198 hp and 184 pound-feet of torque at 4,250 rpm in Korean spec.

    Autoblog Green Sam Abuelsamid 2010

  • As a result, the engine produces 198 hp and 184 pound-feet of torque at 4,250 rpm in Korean spec.

    Autoblog Green 2009

  • As a result, the engine produces 198 hp and 184 pound-feet of torque at 4,250 rpm in Korean spec.

    Autoblog Green 2009

  • A 'spec.' had evidently been made by means of false 'smoking-implements.'

    Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, March 1844 Volume 23, Number 3 Various 1840

  • a spark of that (his father left him one of the best cellars in England, but he never touches even a glass of claret after dinner; "I should as soon think," he says, "of eating when I am not hungry"); but he dearly liked what he called a "spec."

    Stories By English Authors: Italy (Selected by Scribners) James Payn 1864


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