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  • * Woe unto the wee laddie. spidersweb is right, I think, and merely one solid scene demonstrating Dad's lack of parenting skillz would have sufficed.

    November 7th, 2005 spidersweb 2005

  • Some kind of hand sign. cmpriest: [makes several lame suggestions.] spidersweb: [makes some better suggestions.] cmpriest: I've got it!

    starting to rain moriarty6 2007

  • Yesterday afternoon I sat in a coffeeshop and chatted with spidersweb for nearly an hour while she helped me attempt a diagnosis of my ailing fish, and I greatly appreciated it.

    give peas a chance spidersweb 2007

  • How about this -- we take the "V" sign and we morph it into the, "It's got big FANGS!" gesture from Monty Python and the Holy Grail? spidersweb: Excellent!

    starting to rain moriarty6 2007

  • And I just made my first spidersweb block today - so much fun!

    you started yet? Katy 2009

  • Something we can flash in a crowd? spidersweb: For solidarity purposes, sure.

    starting to rain moriarty6 2007

  • Last night after other plans fell through, spidersweb and I were feeling adventurous ... or masochistic, however you prefer to view it.

    Voice Post: spidersweb 2006

  • Tonight, we were blessed with assistance from redthought and kiltmir, spidersweb, and golfbisquit.

    The Beheaded Chicken Chronicles redthought 2006

  • Here's the tally thus far: Christmas chocolates (thanks, David!), my contributor's copy and payment for Aegri Somnia: The Apex Anthology (thanks, Jason!), Christmas goodies from Kentucky (thanks, Dad!), Christmas knitty delights from spidersweb (thanks, Spider!), and some other things that I'm going to think of later and feel silly for not noting.

    for a day off, today has been just packed spidersweb 2006

  • Yesterday afternoon spidersweb made like a friendly ninja and kidnapped me for a pre-wedding day spa hour.

    Spad - I coin this new word spidersweb 2006


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