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  • Upriver, where a thick branch lay fallen from the gale, a heron stalked, picking its way along like a spindlelegged man before it stopped and stood broodingly, its wings humped, its head buried in its feathers.

    Naughty or Nice MELANIE GEORGE 2004

  • Upriver, where a thick branch lay fallen from the gale, a heron stalked, picking its way along like a spindlelegged man before it stopped and stood broodingly, its wings humped, its head buried in its feathers.

    Naughty or Nice MELANIE GEORGE 2004

  • Upriver, where a thick branch lay fallen from the gale, a heron stalked, picking its way along like a spindlelegged man before it stopped and stood broodingly, its wings humped, its head buried in its feathers.

    Naughty or Nice MELANIE GEORGE 2004

  • Many of them were shaky and spindlelegged and she knew it.

    Captivity M. Leonora Eyles 1924


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