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  • The opera also adds a creepy chorus of echoes to the forest scenes and 14 ballet-dancing angels, who create one of its most spinetingling moments, as the cossetingly somnolent music envelopes the children and helps them through their scary night in the wood.

    Hänsel und Gretel: Fatten kid. Cook. Then eat 2011

  • That said, at certain matchs and when it's led by someone who is really into the moment, it can be spinetingling.

    Kapa O Pango Rogers 2006

  • In Strangewood, The Boys are Back in Town, and the just-released Wildwood Road, Chris takes the reader back to a time when a spinetingling, page-turning book was the perfect mixture of engrossing characters and a tale well told.

    Genre Chick Interview: Christopher Golden princessalethea 2005

  • There was a hissing sound, and firefighting fog poured out somewhere, and there was the desolate, spinetingling moo of the maximum-emergency alarm.

    The Other Side Of Nowhere Leinster, Murray 1964

  • Chesterton's distorting mirror combines spinetingling terror with round farce to give a fascinating perspective on Edwardian fears of (and flirtations with) anarchism, nihilism and a world without god. 2009

  • A recognized master of mystery and spinetingling suspense, CAROLYN HART has written four previous Henrie O mysteries: Dead Man’s Island (an Agatha Award winner), Scandal in Fair Haven (nominated for both an Agatha and Macavity Award), Death in Lovers’ Lane, and Death in Paradise.

    Death on the River Walk Hart, Carolyn 1999

  • From his quite wonderful Washington Square Serenade album, enjoy Greatest Living New Yorker Steve Earle and the spinetingling "Down Here Below."

    PowerPop 2009

  • From his quite wonderful Washington Square Serenade album, enjoy Greatest Living New Yorker Steve Earle and the spinetingling "Down Here Below."

    PowerPop 2009


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