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  • But Whip It is a textbook sports movie, straight out of the old spiralbound playbook.

    Score One for the Girls 2009

  • Get a spiralbound notebook and admit that your life will fit into it.

    Life In The Virtual Year 2008

  • When he began, he wrote down every scrap he learned 'first filling spiralbound notebooks, then a series of clcth journals the contents of which, like some Wiccan's Book of Shadows, would have had him up before the Inquisition ~vere it still around.

    Moonheart De Lint, Charles, 1951- 1990

  • I look back through old spiralbound notebooks and watch as my handwriting shifts through the years, even shifts from page to page with the script, hasty block print, speedsketch, shitscribble, and formal lettering.

    What Is This Crap? 2009

  • After all my growling, bitching, and throwing a fit - I settled down and broke out my spiralbound with the diagram and the numbers for the ferryboat.

    What Is This Crap? 2009

  • I look back through old spiralbound notebooks and watch as my handwriting shifts through the years, even shifts from page to page with the script, hasty block print, speedsketch, shitscribble, and formal lettering.

    What Is This Crap? 2009

  • With 750 recipes featured in the hardcover, spiralbound cookbook, Heran had a lot of help in putting it together.

    The Appleton Post-Crescent Latest Headlines 2009

  • The Ghost Dance Anthology: Twenty-Five Years of Poetry from Ghost Dance, 1968-1993/Other Kinds of Scores, Whitston Publishing Company, Troy, New York, 1994, preceded by a spiralbound notebook used in classes at MSU, called Other Kinds of Scores, Phase 1, 1991.

    hugh fox | icehouse & thirteen keys to talmud « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground 2009

  • The Ghost Dance Anthology: Twenty-Five Years of Poetry from Ghost Dance, 1968-1993/Other Kinds of Scores, Whitston Publishing Company, Troy, New York, 1994, preceded by a spiralbound notebook used in classes at MSU, called Other Kinds of Scores, Phase 1, 1991.

    April « 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground 2009

  • That didn't include the pigeonholes at the back of the desk, stuffed with letters (answered and unanswered), envelopes more paper, her driver's license (that she never remembered to take with her when she used the car), a small Aiwa cassette player, that was connected to a pair of Monitor Audio speakers balanced precariously on wrought iron brackets above the bay windows, and the filing system for her fledgling writing career that included notes (hundreds of them on anything from matchbook covers to the small sheets torn out of her spiralbound notebook), information on who had what story and how often it'd been rejected, a list of her accepted stories (eleven of them!), and the addresses for all her correspondents that had started out being in alphabetical order but somehow degenerated into catch-as-catch can.

    Moonheart De Lint, Charles, 1951- 1990


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