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  • Yet I rarely failed to find, even in midwinter, some warm and springly swamp where the grass and the skunk-cabbage still put forth with perennial verdure, and some hardier bird occasionally awaited the return of spring.

    Walden 2004

  • After a liberal amount of elbowing on my part, and a stubborn resistance on his, of the assailants who wished to take forcible possession of that one particular car, I succeeded in passing my companion to him, and springly

    A Run by Rail from Washington to St. Louis 1862

  • Yet I rarely failed to find, even in midwinter, some warm and springly swamp where the grass and the skunk-cabbage still put forth with perennial verdure, and some hardier bird occasionally awaited the return of spring.

    Walden~ Chapter 14 (historical) 1854

  • Yet I rarely failed to find, even in midwinter, some warm and springly swamp where the grass and the skunk-cabbage still put forth with perennial verdure, and some hardier bird occasionally awaited the return of spring.

    Walden Henry David Thoreau 1839


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