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  • He was transformed into a big squarejawed calendar girl.

    Beard 2010

  • Then a head appeared, a head he recognized—the squarejawed, menacing head of a cougar.


  • His copilot, another fresh-faced, squarejawed young man, was standing just behind him.

    Fire and Ice Stabenow, Dana 1998

  • He was squarejawed, ferocious, brutal, and feared no one.

    World’s Great Men of Color J. A. Rogers 1947

  • He was squarejawed, ferocious, brutal, and feared no one.

    World’s Great Men of Color J. A. Rogers 1947

  • He was squarejawed, ferocious, brutal, and feared no one.

    World’s Great Men of Color J. A. Rogers 1947

  • As the second spirit manifested, Karal didn't find him any easier on the nerves, perhaps because he couldn't seem to make up his mind whether to look like a muscular, squarejawed fellow who was a bit taller than Vanyel, or a slight, triangularfaced, large-eyed lad who was shorter and more slender than the Herald-Mage. just looking at him made Karal feel dizzy, an when the third shape came into focus, it didn't help any, for it wavered between the form of a Companion and that Of a determined woman with a firm chin and the look of a hunter about her.

    Storm Breaking Lackey, Mercedes 1996

  • As the second spirit manifested, Karal didn't find him any easier on the nerves, perhaps because he couldn't seem to make up his mind whether to look like a muscular, squarejawed fellow who was a bit taller than Vanyel, or a slight, triangularfaced, large-eyed lad who was shorter and more slender than the Herald-Mage. just looking at him made Karal feel dizzy, an when the third shape came into focus, it didn't help any, for it wavered between the form of a Companion and that Of a determined woman with a firm chin and the look of a hunter about her.

    Storm Breaking Lackey, Mercedes 1996


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