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  • Fusari took Gaga under his wing, dated her, crafted her image, gave her her stagename and co-wrote the songs “Paparazzi”, and “Beautiful, Dirty, Rich”.

    Lady Gaga Sued For Large Sums Of Money | Manolith 2010

  • Or the way your stagename makes you sound like a sinister insurance company.

    Brooke Shields & Tom Cruise Are Kind Of Friends Again 2009

  • During the course of the lawsuit, Vince McMahon counter-sued Rena over control of the stagename "Sable".

    Female Wrestling: Sable / Rena Mero part 3 ~~ Sabre ~~ 2008

  • During the course of the lawsuit, Vince McMahon counter-sued Rena over control of the stagename "Sable".

    Archive 2008-02-01 ~~ Sabre ~~ 2008

  • Polatik is the stagename of young Hispanic conservative rapper David Saucedo.

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • Polatik is the stagename of young Hispanic conservative rapper David Saucedo.

    The Guardian World News Lloyd Marcus 2010

  • Moliere was the stagename of a famous playwright and actor from the 17th century who performed for the king at the Louvre, which is within walking distance.

    DesiPundit 2009

  • As a rapper coming from the world of hip-hop, it's often hard to be taken seriously as an actor when you start getting movies roles, but for Chris Bridges, known mainly by his stagename "Ludacris," it helped that his second film role was in Paul Haggis 'Oscar-winning This coming weekend, Bridges can be seen opposite Mark Wahlberg playing Internal Affairs agent Jim Bravura in John Moore's adaptation of the video game - 30 most recent stories 2008

  • As a rapper coming from the world of hip-hop, it's often hard to be taken seriously as an actor when you start getting movies roles, but for Chris Bridges, known mainly by his stagename "Ludacris," it helped that his second film role was in Paul Haggis 'Oscar-winning This coming weekend, Bridges can be seen opposite Mark Wahlberg playing Internal Affairs agent Jim Bravura in John Moore's adaptation of the video game - 30 most recent stories 2008

  • It was then that my brother, who now insists on being called Papa Koosh (future stagename when his band goes mainstream?

    nspblues Diary Entry nspblues 2002


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