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  • Because of the stagnance of Spain, the colonialists tended to intensify economic plunder, that is, extracting wealth without so much investment in the colony.

    SEMIFEUDALISM IN THE PHILIPPINES: Myth or Reality? Abhay N 2007

  • Indeed, various paradigms working side-by-side in healthy competition can only help the field to thrive and thwart stagnance.

    Money For Something JackMangan 2005

  • Indeed, various paradigms working side-by-side in healthy competition can only help the field to thrive and thwart stagnance.

    Archive 2005-11-01 JackMangan 2005

  • If there is no afterlife, no reward or punishment, then the ultimate sin is to wander through life, knowing nothing of what we do or what we want, and following a dusty trail of stagnance until we become one with the dirt, one with the dust, one with the stain of the moist earth and know not much else.

    absentia Diary Entry absentia 2001

  • But for the rest of us, the feds 'rush to defend teetering financial firms only defers the tough decisions that will need to be made before this crisis subsides - at the expense, perhaps, of repeating Japan's so-called lost decade of economic stagnance after its property bubble collapsed around 1990.

    Bubble Meter 2008

  • 2001-07-04 - My greatest fear has always been stagnance.

    absentia Diary Entry absentia 2004

  • 2001-07-04 - My greatest fear has always been stagnance.

    absentia Diary Entry absentia 2004


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