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  • She is called a good "stampeder," has a pleasant, smiling face, but is usually designated "notorious."

    A Woman who went to Alaska May Kellogg Sullivan

  • When this thought came to him, he began to hope that he would not be selected; but a man who had made a name as captain of a college football eleven, as a president of an athletic club, as a dog-musher and a stampeder in the Yukon, and, moreover, who possessed such shoulders as he, had no right to avoid the honour.

    Trust 2010

  • If you shout “fire” in the theater and a man is trampled by another, who would the jury likely find to be the proximate cause of the battery or what have you? the stampeder or you?

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Defamation League Plains States Regional Director Corrects Statement on Free Speech: 2009

  • His father was a stampeder, and Berton himself was born in the Yukon.

    what i'm reading 2007

  • Harold Elwell Bannister was an old-time Alaskan, a stampeder who had stayed on after the gold rush to found a chain of grocery stores and subsequently to guide the footsteps of first territorial and then state governors.

    A Grave Denied Stabenow, Dana 2003

  • Runaway roarer, freighted with human souls, stampeder of policemen and horses - it was Uncle Sid with his mighty hands who mastered its mad career.

    Cider With Rosie Lee, Laurie 1959

  • Being an old mail carrier and stampeder of experience in this country, he ought to know how to travel, and, being a Norwegian, he is well used to the snow and the cold.

    A Woman who went to Alaska May Kellogg Sullivan

  • He drove with the killing cruelty of a stampeder, and they loved him.

    Pardners Rex Ellingwood Beach 1913

  • No. Wal, I'm woodsman, river-man; I ain't dam 'stampeder.

    The Winds of Chance Rex Ellingwood Beach 1913

  • "Lay off that 'squaring' stuff," cautioned a renegade crook, disguised by a suit of mackinaws and a week's growth of beard into the likeness of a stampeder.

    The Winds of Chance Rex Ellingwood Beach 1913


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