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  • I still like Anton Yelchin the most as Possible Spider-Man starsapphire the kid was good in 310 to yuma, gamer though the role was short, my one and only with renee z, jack & bobby where he played a geek, and had great chemistry and comedic timing in that aaron eckhart movie Meet Bill. it's a teen actor actually playing a teen -- refreshing concept. and he's not Zac Efron. percy didn't use his skills what with columbus directing. kid could pull this off trivia: if cast, Batman's (Bale) son will be spiderman named after two comic book characters Logan (wolverine) Wade (deadpool) Lerman and has an alliterative name playing a character with an alliterative name PP add those to a guy named Webb directing Spidey

    Update: Sony Denies Report that Logan Lerman is Spider-Man | /Film 2010


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