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  • Among them is a promise of personal tuition for children who fall behind ... a legal right to private care if not treated on the NHS within 18 weeks ... statefunded jobs for the young unemployed.

    Home | Mail Online 2010

  • Byrne said he also plans to work to combat illegal immigration by deputizing local and state officers to enforce the federal laws; require contractors and those doing business with the state to utilize the E-Verify system to ensure all workers are legal immigrants or naturalized citizens; and to require anyone applying for any type of statefunded aid to prove their residential status.

    Sand Mountain Reporter: News 2010

  • Byrne said he also plans to work to combat illegal immigration by deputizing local and state officers to enforce the federal laws; require contractors and those doing business with the state to utilize the E-Verify system to ensure all workers are legal immigrants or naturalized citizens; and to require anyone applying for any type of statefunded aid to prove their residential status.

    Sand Mountain Reporter: News 2010

  • Byrne said he also plans to work to combat illegal immigration by deputizing local and state officers to enforce the federal laws; require contractors and those doing business with the state to utilize the E-Verify system to ensure all workers are legal immigrants or naturalized citizens; and to require anyone applying for any type of statefunded aid to prove their residential status.

    Sand Mountain Reporter: News 2010

  • I had to decide what to do next, and I didn’t think it was a good idea to work for any statefunded institution or in any other public job such as prosecutor, defender or legal aid lawyer where my work might overlap or conflict with that of the Attorney General.

    Living History Hillary Rodham Clinton 2003

  • I had to decide what to do next, and I didn’t think it was a good idea to work for any statefunded institution or in any other public job such as prosecutor, defender or legal aid lawyer where my work might overlap or conflict with that of the Attorney General.

    Living History Hillary Rodham Clinton 2003


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