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  • The doe hopped up and down, stifflegged, looking back at us as if asking why nobody had at least yelled a warning.

    Willie Nelson, Willie & Shrake, Edwin Bud 1992

  • The children had marched in earnest stifflegged style.

    The Arabs of Palestine 1969

  • The children had marched in earnest stifflegged style.

    The Arabs of Palestine 1961

  • Bloom, raising a policeman's whitegloved hand, blunders stifflegged out of the track.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • It had come through the backyard of a row of duplexes like somebody's runaway pet, with that stifflegged bounce nearly over the hood of a red Subaru, nearly under the great, chrome bumper of a semi, across the median and into the flow south, the lanes so close-packed they resembled three trains on parallel tracks; in the rearview he'd rooted the deer across two of the three lanes when it went airborne, pinwheeled nose over tail in a high arc, then disappeared beyond the staccato flash of metal.

    The Warden 2010

  • a freight train wreck, and dad and the horse went by me like a horse race, only that horse was not on the ground half the time, and he didn't go straight ahead, but just lowered his head between his legs and jumped in the air and came down stifflegged and then jumped sideways, and changed ends and did it all over again, all over the prairie, and dad was a sight.

    Peck's Bad Boy with the Cowboys 1878

  • They’d walk all stifflegged away from each other like the other one wasn’t worthy of their interest.

    Ride the Thunder Janet Dailey 1980

  • They’d walk all stifflegged away from each other like the other one wasn’t worthy of their interest.

    Ride the Thunder Janet Dailey 1980

  • They’d walk all stifflegged away from each other like the other one wasn’t worthy of their interest.

    Ride the Thunder Janet Dailey 1980

  • They’d walk all stifflegged away from each other like the other one wasn’t worthy of their interest.

    Ride the Thunder Janet Dailey 1980


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