
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Resembling a storm or some aspect of one.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

storm +‎ -like


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  • The kindness of everyone has me sitting here with tears streaming down my face — it is bittersweet, and bathes me like a gentle warming rain, rather than the brutal stormlike assault the pathology report caused.

    Firedoglake » Puddles Has Problems 2006

  • Whatever greetings he normally uttered leapt from his mind the instant he met Arthur Kobrine's stern and stormlike gaze over the viewer.

    The Kobayashi Maru Julia Ecklar 2000

  • And so her adolescence came in suddenly, almost stormlike, uprooting little forests of sapling traditions.

    Star-Dust Fannie Hurst 1928

  • All that obscure need, that new stirring of moral life within her -- which had found issue in this little futile advance towards a man who had once loved her and could now, it seemed, only despise and dislike, her -- was beating and swelling stormlike within her.

    Marcella Humphry Ward 1885


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