
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Alternative spelling of straight-faced.


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  • Bob stood up straightfaced and told of Gangas Rulfus, a man he met one day on the street.

    Lynyrd Skynyrd – Original Drummer Bob Burns « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie 2010

  • Bob stood up straightfaced and told of Gangas Rulfus, a man he met one day on the street.

    April « 2010 « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie 2010

  • And that is why if you click here you will see one of the Challenge winners, the hilariously straightfaced Codru Vrabe, at the 3 minute mark, explaining his project, Bribe Market, which is based on the simple idea that if you are going to have to pay bribes for basic services, you ought to be able to shop for the cheapest bribe.

    Daniel Ben-Horin: Beyond the Easter Bunny: Ambassador Sparks Open Government Web Challenge Daniel Ben-Horin 2011

  • The item most to be treasured is the straightfaced report that Israelis were smuggling a chewing gum with special properties into Egypt.

    On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with... 2009

  • But just as rich was the reporter's straightfaced question that followed: "Are you getting a lot of that, Mr. Vice President?"

    Scott Shrake: The Heckling Order 2008

  • Smith County Sheriff J.B. Smith says that while in jail, Laney has at times been calm and straightfaced, other times curled up in a fetal position sobbing, and sometimes singing church hymns and praising God out loud.

    Andrea Yates Redux 2007

  • If anything, they seem bent on making sure the MSM coverage of her is fair to the point of flattering on that note, I will always treasure this straightfaced headline from Media Matters: "'s Cox latest to attack Sen. Clinton on her voice".

    The Rise of the Rightroots? - Swampland - 2007

  • Pal Ian notes, quite rightly, that there's a conflict between Jim Lee's straightfaced approach to the art and the seeming smirk in Frank Miller's writing.

    Archive 2005-07-17 2005

  • Now, it's...well, it's all so serious and straightfaced..."look how beautiful our strong, independent female character is."

    Archive 2005-03-13 2005

  • Now, it's...well, it's all so serious and straightfaced..."look how beautiful our strong, independent female character is."

    Archive 2005-03-13 2005


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