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  • In age he may have been about fifty, with a strongjawed, rugged face, a grizzling moustache, peculiarly keen gray eyes, and a wiry, vigorous figure which had lost nothing of the strength and activ - ity of youth.

    Chennai 2010

  • In age he may have been about fifty, with a strongjawed, rugged face, a grizzling moustache, peculiarly keen gray eyes, and a wiry, vigorous figure which had lost nothing of the strength and activity of youth.

    The Valley of Fear 1914

  • In age he may have been about fifty, with a strongjawed, rugged face, a grizzling moustache, peculiarly keen gray eyes, and a wiry, vigorous figure which had lost nothing of the strength and activ - ity of youth.

    The Valley of Fear Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1914

  • In age he may have been about fifty, with a strongjawed, rugged face, a grizzling moustache, peculiarly keen gray eyes, and a wiry, vigorous figure which had lost nothing of the strength and activ - ity of youth.

    The Valley of Fear Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1914

  • In age he may have been about fifty, with a strongjawed, rugged face, a grizzling moustache, peculiarly keen gray eyes, and a wiry, vigorous figure which had lost nothing of the strength and activ - ity of youth.

    The Valley of Fear Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1914

  • In age he may have been about fifty, with a strongjawed, rugged face, a grizzling moustache, peculiarly keen gray eyes, and a wiry, vigorous figure which had lost nothing of the strength and activ - ity of youth.

    The Valley of Fear Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1914


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