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  • They gave up after a half billion, and with the bank president they called together sever - al lawyers and established a regional corporate subdivi - sion of Alfred Omega Ltd.

    In Other Worlds Attanasio, A. A. 1984

  • We'll assume your land has significant conservation value and the easement prohibits subdivi-sion while allowing for commercial farming, forestry, and horse boarding.

    News for Culpeper Star-Exponent 2009

  • If at the time a revaluation is made, the balance of prin - Reduction. cipal of a loan under subdivision (o) is in excess of forty per quired '! *' 'cent, or the balance of principal of a loan under subdivi - sion (6) is in excess of sixty per cent, of the value of the premises mortgaged, a sufficient reduction in the amount of

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663

  • For other purposes of this act and of the plan, the commissioner, with the approval of the court, may make such other classification and subdivi - sions of claims as in his opinion equity and justice may require, according to the nature of the respective claims.

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663

  • For the cnre and maintenance of the province lands and of the lands acquired and struc - tures erect 3; subdivision (3), paragraph (a) revised, 1946, 166 § 3; last sentence amended, 1946, 403 § 9; subdivi - sion (5) added, 1948, 507 § 2.

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663

  • Any contract made with said corporation by any city or town or other subdivision of the commonwealth or by any board or agency of any such city, town or subdivi - sion, shall be subject to approval by the board or officers having power to make contracts with respect to the same.

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663

  • Upon receipt of such election by the board, the option elected shall take effect as of the date the retirement allowance of such member becomes effective; provided, that if his death occurs before such date such op - tion shall not take effect and his accumulated total deduc - tions, if any, shall be returned as provided for in subdivi - sion (2) of section eleven.

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663

  • The sage was superior to all disease, of body as well as of soul (Cicero, Tusculan Disputations, III, xxxiv, 82), but this did not prevent Stoic philosophers from taking great interest in the minute classification and subdivi - sions of disturbances (perturbationes; ibid.,


  • If a majority of the votes cast in said town in answer to subdivision A is not in the affiimative, but a majority thereof in answer to subdivi - sions B and C is in the affirmative, said town shall be taken to have authorized, for the remainder of the calendar year, the retail sale therein of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold, and also the sale of all other alcohoHc beverages but only in pack - ages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, in accord - ance with the provisions of said chapter one hundred and thirty - eight.

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663

  • Jurisdiction over the above-described lands is hereby granted and ceded to the United States of America, but upon the express condition that the commonwealth shall retain concurrent jurisdiction with the United States of America in and over said lands, in so far that all civil proc - esses and such criminal processes as may issue under the authority of the commonwealth against any person or per - sons charged with crimes committed without said lands and all processes for collection of taxes levied under authority of the laws of the commonwealth, including the service of warrants, may be executed thereon in the same manner as though this cession had not been granted; provided, that the jurisdiction in and over the lands described in subdivi - sions 1 and 2 of section one shall revert to and revest in the commonwealth whenever such areas shall cease to be used for the purposes set forth in section one, and that the juris - diction in and over the lands described in subdivisions 3 to

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663


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