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  • [5636] Opprime dum nova sunt subiti mala semina morbi,

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • In these things, and in his other schemes for the 'subiti guadagni' of the speculator and the "sudden making of splendid names" for the benefactors of our species, Clemens satisfied the Colonel Sellers nature in himself (from which he drew the picture of that wild and lovable figure), and perhaps made as good use of his money as he could.

    My Mark Twain (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance) William Dean Howells 1878

  • In these things, and in his other schemes for the 'subiti guadagni' of the speculator and the "sudden making of splendid names" for the benefactors of our species, Clemens satisfied the Colonel Sellers nature in himself (from which he drew the picture of that wild and lovable figure), and perhaps made as good use of his money as he could.

    Literary Friends and Acquaintance; a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship William Dean Howells 1878

  • [in the _Metamorphoses_] '; used with _peragere_ at _Tr_ V i 9' ut cecidi, subiti _perago praeconia_ casus '.

    The Last Poems of Ovid 43 BC-18? Ovid


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