
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of substantive.


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  • In B, numbers are names or substantives; 2 of something is different in kind than 5 of something.

    A Museum of Numbers stephen hastings-king 2011

  • Our AAA colleagues likely will tell us the U.S. democracy and economy will not grow with approaches that celebrate structural changes over substantives changes.

    John H. Jackson: Stop Kicking the Can Down the Road and Call AAA John H. Jackson 2011

  • According to the OED, this “- general” has sometimes been attached playfully to ordinary substantives, e.g. Mr. Chad, “lover general at The Hague”; and the “assumption that και in the N.T., as ו in Hebrew, was the conjunction-general,” etc.

    Governor-General 2009

  • According to the OED, this “- general” has sometimes been attached playfully to ordinary substantives, e.g. Mr. Chad, “lover general at The Hague”; and the “assumption that και in the N.T., as ו in Hebrew, was the conjunction-general,” etc.

    Archive 2009-06-01 2009

  • Our AAA colleagues likely will tell us the U.S. democracy and economy will not grow with approaches that celebrate structural changes over substantives changes.

    John H. Jackson: Stop Kicking the Can Down the Road and Call AAA John H. Jackson 2011

  • In B, numbers are names or substantives; 2 of something is different in kind than 5 of something.

    A Museum of Numbers stephen hastings-king 2011

  • Instead, the converse is true: given that Oresme rejects the traditional view that accidents are accidental forms, he must avoid the use of substantives in denominating the ontological status of accidents and thus quasi-automatically arrives at formulations that are characteristic of the theory of complexly signifiables.

    Nicole Oresme Kirschner, Stefan 2009

  • Ideas almost refuse to be expressed in these substantives which are fugitives from justice.

    Les Miserables 2008

  • Adjectives are often used as substantives or nouns in Arabic.

    On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with... 2008

  • The like also holds in our ideas of modes and relations; as justice, just; equality, equal: only with this difference, that some of the concrete names of relations amongst men chiefly are substantives; as, paternitas, pater; whereof it were easy to render a reason.

    An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 2007


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