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  • And Dionysius of Halicarnassus, a great and wise historian, giving an account of the religion of the Romans and the ceremonies of their worship, affirms that he doth it unto this end, "that those who have been ignorant of the Roman piety should cease to wonder at their prosperity and successes in all their wars, seeing, by reason of their religion, they had the gods always propitious and succourable unto them," Antiq.

    Pneumatologia 1616-1683 1967

  • 'Do good when thou art able thereto,' answered his father; 'be ever courteous and succourable to men and profit by all occasions of doing a kindness; for a design is not always easy of accomplishment; and how well saith the poet:

    The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV Anonymous 1879

  • Nor is there better imaginative work in his descriptive poetry than the image of the naked moon, in virginal distress, flying for refuge through the gazing heaven to the succourable cloud -- fleece on fleece of piled-up snow, drowsily patient -- where Pan lay in ambush for her beauty.

    The Poetry Of Robert Browning 1874


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