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  • In this respect the ecclesiastical discipline of France had become fixed and accepted; nor was it modified by the Separation Law of 1905; except that some bishops have ceased to use the terms succursale and desservant, replacing them by parish and parish priest, both, however, long since in ordinary ecclesiastical use.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery 1840-1916 1913

  • Tu m'aides à ouvrir une succursale sur la West Cost?

    Back to San Francisco? — Climb to the Stars 2007

  • "I'll do you a better one next time," Sam promised, "when you open your first _succursale_, Milly."

    One Woman's Life Robert Herrick 1903

  • Jeanne worked from morning to night in the succursale of the Croix

    The Rough Road William John Locke 1896

  • The _cercle_ or _casino_ and its _succursale_ the Villa des Fleurs, with their many spacious rooms, reading-room, concert-room, baccarat-room, their restaurants, their beautiful gardens, are thronged at all hours of the day with the smart folk of all nationalities.

    The Passenger from Calais Arthur Griffiths 1873

  • There was a time, gentlemen, when our Mutual Admiration was far from being so ambitious as to dream of having a _succursale_ under the rotunda of the

    Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present 1868

  • The Bodleian has a succursale, the Radcliffe, which represents simply a step from bad to worse.

    Arabian nights. English Anonymous 1855

  • Quitanda Pequena, a succursale market-place, where, on working - days, cloth and beads, dried peppers, and watered rum are sold.

    Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2 Richard Francis Burton 1855

  • The young Marchese -- the "Marchesino," as he was often called, to distinguish him from his uncle, the Marchese Lamberto -- was one of the small committee of the Circolo, who had had the management of all the arrangements for the ball; and was, accordingly, well aware of the whereabouts of this little "succursale" to the supper-room.

    A Siren Thomas Adolphus Trollope 1851

  • This honest woman goes this morning to the succursale.

    The Parisians — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838


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