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  • And a third, “Je lui donnerais bien un truc à sucer.”

    Priceless Nicole Richie 2010

  • Enfin si faut juste que j'arrete de sucer mon pouce!!

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2007

  • Margins on EUR mortgage where 3-3,5\% on the "we finally cool this sucer down" period

    A Fistful Of Euros » A Fistful Of Euros 2009

  • Expressions corrompu jusqu’à la moelle = rotten to the core n’avoir pas de moelle dans les os = to be weak se ronger les moelles = to worry a lot tirer la moelle = to extract the essential in something sucer la moelle de quelqu’un = to suck the marrow from someone = to ruin someone

    Words in a French Life Kristin Espinasse 2007


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