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  • And the boy, lean and lithe, sunbeaten and browned, skin-clad and in hair - fringed and hair-tufted MUCLUCS that showed the wear of the sea and rough work, coolly withstood her advances, his body straight and stiff with the peculiar erectness common to children of savage people.


  • These were not the sunbeaten campesinos I had proposed to write about, and I could understand only parts of what they said, so I tuned out.

    The Making of Toro Mark Sundeen 2003

  • These were not the sunbeaten campesinos I had proposed to write about, and I could understand only parts of what they said, so I tuned out.

    The Making of Toro Mark Sundeen 2003

  • Great consideration goes into making the surroundings comfortable, spraying water on the sunbeaten walkway to cool it off in summer, placing lanterns in winter to give the room a warm glow.

    Zen Computer Philip Toshio Sudo 1999

  • She called to the children playing upon the sunbeaten deck: "Come here, and hold up your aprons!"

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • From the alkaline, sunbeaten desert where the bayonet plant thrusts up a tender bloom head six inches in height, it slowly increases in stature as it travels across country more frequently rain washed, and winds its way beside mountain streams to where in more fertile soil and the same sunshine it develops magnificent specimens from ten to fifteen and more feet in height.

    Her father`s daughter 1921

  • And the boy, lean and lithe, sunbeaten and browned, skin-clad and in hair - fringed and hair-tufted MUCLUCS that showed the wear of the sea and rough work, coolly withstood her advances, his body straight and stiff with the peculiar erectness common to children of savage people.

    The Story of Jees Uck 1904

  • From the alkaline, sunbeaten desert where the bayonet plant thrusts up a tender bloom head six inches in height, it slowly increases in stature as it travels across country more frequently rain washed, and winds its way beside mountain streams to where in more fertile soil and the same sunshine it develops magnificent specimens from ten to fifteen and more feet in height.

    Her Father's Daughter Gene Stratton-Porter 1893

  • I am informed that in criticizing that literature which preys on strange people and prowls in far-off countries, under the shade of palms, in the unsheltered glare of sunbeaten beaches, amongst honest cannibals and the more sophisticated pioneers of our glorious virtues, a lady -- distinguished in the world of letters -- summed up her disapproval of it by saying that the tales it produced were "de-civilized."

    Notes on My Books Joseph Conrad 1890

  • Dancing down the mountain to camp, my mind glowing like the sunbeaten glaciers, I found the Indians seated around a good fire, entirely happy now that the farthest point of the journey was safely reached and the long, dark storm was cleared away.

    Travels in Alaska John Muir 1876


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