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  • There was a door at the top of the stairs standing open into a long, spacious room which seemed shrouded in twilight after the sunflooded court.

    The Palace of Darkened Windows Mary Hastings Bradley

  • Perhaps it was her husband who was the disillusionizing note as he stood on the polished floor of the sunflooded drawing-room.

    Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill Winston Churchill 1909

  • Perhaps it was her husband who was the disillusionizing note as he stood on the polished floor of the sunflooded drawing-room.

    A Modern Chronicle — Complete Winston Churchill 1909

  • Perhaps it was her husband who was the disillusionizing note as he stood on the polished floor of the sunflooded drawing-room.

    A Modern Chronicle — Volume 04 Winston Churchill 1909


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