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  • His hair, which was long enough to hit the back of his collar, was the color of sand and either sunstreaked or shot with gray, Paige couldn't tell which.

    Broken Symmetry Angela Brett 2010

  • Her shoulders were freckled from the sun, and her hair was sunstreaked.

    Beard 2010

  • "You look kinda rough, boyfriend" she said, fingering the pocks on his arms, running her hand through his sunstreaked and dried-out hair.

    MORE FROM GINNY BATES: AT THE BEACH IN 1994 Maggie Jochild 2007

  • Instead her long, straight hair, which she wore in a high ponytail, was honey-colored and sunstreaked and it flattered her immensely.

    The Merlot Murders Ellen Crosby 2006

  • Instead her long, straight hair, which she wore in a high ponytail, was honey-colored and sunstreaked and it flattered her immensely.

    The Merlot Murders Ellen Crosby 2006

  • Instead her long, straight hair, which she wore in a high ponytail, was honey-colored and sunstreaked and it flattered her immensely.

    The Merlot Murders Ellen Crosby 2006

  • Instead her long, straight hair, which she wore in a high ponytail, was honey-colored and sunstreaked and it flattered her immensely.

    The Merlot Murders Ellen Crosby 2006

  • The way that one lock of gold-brown sunstreaked hair used to fall - just touching the eyebrow.

    Magic's Promise Lackey, Mercedes 1990

  • The way that one lock of gold-brown sunstreaked hair used to fall - just touching the eyebrow.

    Magic's Promise Lackey, Mercedes 1990

  • Many of them had blue eyes and sunstreaked hair, almost blond, a striking contrast to their swarthy complexions.

    The Eternal Mercenary Sadler, Barry 1980


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