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  • Philadelphus under the superinten dence of Demetrius Phalereus.

    A Grammar of Septuagint Greek 1856-1924 1905

  • U.S. Cellular started its Calling All Communities campaign at the end of 2008, a couple months after a study from the American Association of S.hool Administrators reported two-thirds of superinten-dents described their districts as "inadequately funded."

    Yakima Herald-Republic Weekly News by ERIN SNELGROVE 2010

  • Chap. 268. 229 the Commonwealth shall expend within the limits of such towns, for the purpose of suppressing the gypsy and brown tail moths, such an amount in addition as the superinten - dent with the advice and consent of the governor shall rec - ommend.

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663

  • Tools, imple - ments, etc., used in house of correction to be paid by the county. formatories or any of the houses of correction; but such prisoners shall be employed by the warden, superinten - dent or master of said prison, reformatory or house of correction, under rules and regulations to be established by the general superintendent of prisons, in such indus - tries as shall from time to time be fixed upon by said warden, superintendent or master and the general super - intendent.

    Acts and resolves passed by the General Court 1663


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