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  • Despite the fact that they lived in Beverly Hills where, as Charmian said, the school system was superlatif, they attended private institutions.

    Fleur De Leigh’s Life of Crime Diane Leslie 1999

  • “Dieu est le superlatif, dont le positif est l’homme, ” says Carl Vogt; meaning, that the popular idea of a _numen_ is that of a magnified and non-natural man.

    The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi Richard Francis Burton 1855

  • “Dieu est le superlatif, dont le positif est l’homme,” says Carl Vogt; meaning, that the popular idea of a numen is that of a magnified and non-natural man.

    The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi 2003


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