
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun excess profit


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

super- +‎ profit


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  • Their only immediate aim is to turn a hefty superprofit as quickly as possible, with as much skim and double billing as possible.

    Archive 2009-11-01 Renee 2009

  • Their only immediate aim is to turn a hefty superprofit as quickly as possible, with as much skim and double billing as possible.

    Why U.S. occupation cannot transform Afghanistan or Iraq Renee 2009

  • Dependent on foreign exchange which is constantly being drained by trade payments, superprofit remittances and debt servicing, this government falls easily for a compensation package in connection with the U.S. military bases.

    Naxalite Maoist India Abhay N 2007

  • For if public affairs programs were sponsored and made a profit, that was not good enough; CBS demanded superprofit, the kind that came from dominating a key section of prime time, so that its share of a minute was worth two or three times as much as the (quite profitable) minute of the opposition.

    CBS: The Power and the Profits 1976

  • For if public affairs programs were sponsored and made a profit, that was not good enough; CBS demanded superprofit, the kind that came from dominating a key section of prime time, so that its share of a minute was worth two or three times as much as the (quite profitable) minute of the opposition.

    CBS: The Power and the Profits 1976

  • Minasyan says that the importers, under such conditions, will get "profit of superprofit at the expense of robbing people."

    Armenianow 2009

  • Consequently, several importing companies had superprofit.

    Armenianow 2009

  • LONDON - A businessman made a superprofit of 100,000 pounds when he sold off his rare Ferrari, which he never even drove.

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2009


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