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  • Thus, one of Hartshorne's preferred definitions of God: “the self-surpassing surpasser of all” (Hartshorne 1948, 20).

    Process Theism Viney, Donald 2008

  • "Il faut en ceci," dit-il, "tout accorder a leurs adversaires, les surpasser meme en severite, ne regarder a leurs accusations que pour y ajouter, s'ils en oublient; et puis les sommer de dresser, a leur tour, le compte des erreurs, des crimes, et des maux de ces temps et de ces pouvoirs qu'ils ont pris sous leur garde."

    Lectures on Modern history John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton Acton 1868

  • In conclusion he said: 'Or, comment voulez-vous que quiconque puisse inventer quelque chose de nouveau, moi Spontini declarant ne pouvoir en aucune facon surpasser mes oeuvres precedentes, d'autre part etant avise que depuis la Vestale il n'a point ete ecrit une note qui ne fut volee de mes partitions.'

    My Life — Volume 1 Richard Wagner 1848

  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2010

  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • They would understand that the displacer and surpasser of Moses was getting the Torah directly from the Father, and no more would they have need of the line of rabbis and teachers to go back to the time of Moses.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] Zdimiele 2009


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