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  • Among them: the once red-hot Norma Kamali, known for jersey-draped dresses, sleeping-bag coats and ensembles made from gray sweat-shirt material, who is creating a clothing line for Wal-Mart that will debut in the fall.

    After Misstep, Wal-Mart Revisits Fashion 2008

  • Experimented with the washing machine and managed to get quite a lot of my T-shirts, trousers, sweat-shirt, covered in loads of pink fluffy stuff which seems to have migrated from a bath-towel.

    Tha cat's away Part 2 Bob Lock 2007

  • Experimented with the washing machine and managed to get quite a lot of my T-shirts, trousers, sweat-shirt, covered in loads of pink fluffy stuff which seems to have migrated from a bath-towel.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Bob Lock 2007

  • She dressed, bearing in mind the nature of her new job, pulling on a pair of culotte-type shorts in practical cotton, wearing them with a matching brightly coloured T-shirt, and then adding a sweat-shirt in case the day proved to be cooler than the clear blue sky suggested.

    Lesson To Learn Jordan, Penny 1997

  • She dressed, bearing in mind the nature of her new job, pulling on a pair of culotte-type shorts in practical cotton, wearing them with a matching brightly coloured T-shirt, and then adding a sweat-shirt in case the day proved to be cooler than the clear blue sky suggested.

    Lesson to Learn Jordan, Penny 1997

  • She dressed, bearing in mind the nature of her new job, pulling on a pair of culotte-type shorts in practical cotton, wearing them with a matching brightly coloured T-shirt, and then adding a sweat-shirt in case the day proved to be cooler than the clear blue sky suggested.

    Lesson to Learn Jordan, Penny 1997

  • Off duty, he had dressed in a navy blue sweat-shirt and jeans, which managed not to look too incongruous in the beautiful little sitting-room which had been made less beautiful by a too-large cherry-coloured three piece suite.

    The Fifth Rapunzel Gill, B. M. 1991

  • "Not long ago, I saw a guy with a Bad Religion sweat-shirt on and it had a cross with one of those red 'no' things going through it," Buran said.

    unknown title 2009

  • He was working in Glenville, WV on Thursday and was last seen wearing light-brown Carhart suspenders and a forest-green hooded sweat-shirt.

    12 Top Stories, Sports and Weather 2009

  • Frank Cordova stared at the bloodstains on the sweat-shirt—that’s what they seemed to be, here under the bright lights of the lab—heavy, fresh stains around the neckline, and several large, lighter areas under the white letters spelling out “Galliard.”



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