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  • All I care about now is sating my incredibly sweettooth that has suddenly reared its ugly head! thanks Lisa!

    Well hello, dolly bars! | Homesick Texan Homesick Texan 2007

  • Musical- It was...nice for a festive breakfast, like apna diwali /new year etc : This was a treat for me as I was home alone yesterday, i made half the recipe for one- hubby doesn't like anything sweet in the morn...and not like I have a sweettooth, but i like a change once in a while!

    Farka - a Tunisian breakfast porridge 2007

  • Since my mom was a great cook with no sweettooth, I was all over cookies frequently sugar and brownies….

    zucchini bread | smitten kitchen 2007

  • As a new Seattlite, my sweettooth and I appreciate it greatly!

    Edibles*: Sweets in Seattle | Seattle Metblogs 2005

  • Many of these male cops act like pigs because in makes them feel manly. for all practical purposes, that badge is their Penis. the wolf are guarding the sheep, the foxes guard the henhouse, and the sweettooth kids guard the cookie jar.

    The Clog 2010


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